Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Promised Land... It's just over ... there!

Friends, it's a good year to be a Chicago Bears fan.

Not only for the winning, O Faithful Ones, but also for the style of the winning. For truly I say unto you: We be kicking ass.

Yea though we have wandered in the wilderness of mediocrity for lo these many years, now we have quality.

Once we worshipped false defensive ends, and the linemen of our forefathers were treated as but legends. Mongo and Danimal, Hartenstine and Perry -- foresaken all these years. But now I swear before these witnesses that I have seen the second coming of Wally Chambers, and his name is Adawale Ogunleye. Amen.

Once we changed quarterbacks more often than Green Bay punted. No longer.

For it is written, "And a child shall lead them." And it shall be edited: "And a child from Purdue shall lead them, even though he shall groweth a beard in hopes of looking older, although it won't fool anybody." Verily.

Friends, we have won six games in a row and vanquished the mighty Panthers. We have risen to No. 7 in Pete Prisco's Power Rankings.

But we shall not be distracted by these baubles. No, we shall walk, and run -- and block and tackle -- and not grow weary.

For we have seen the promised land.

I may not get there with you...


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6:02 PM  
Blogger FantasyFootballHelpers.com said...

Dear Daniel --- Nice blog! I was looking for Fantasy Football Rankings related info, but stopped for a minute when I found you blog! It is great! I am book-marking it and will come back! I haven't seem a blog quite like The Promised Land... It's just over ... there!! Anyway great blog, but no Fantasy Football Rankings info here; I am out! Thanks...

8:37 PM  
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10:47 AM  

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